Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Moments Like These

It's officially three days until Christmas.

It seems like every year, the days get shorter and the list of things to do gets longer.  The annual Christmas hustle and bustle is in full swing across America; presents being bought, hastily wrapped and put under a lit-up tree.

Everyone says "we need to take time to remember the little things that make Christmas special" but either no one listens or no one gives themselves time to remember those things.  That's one thing I definitely say with all truth I do.  It's not the moments I look under the Christmas tree to feast my eyes on prettily wrapped presents or uncooked dinner in the fridge.  It's the unplanned moments that bring a tear to my eye during an emotional moment in a movie, a lyric from my favorite Christmas carol or even my first memory of the holiday.  That's what Christmas is to me and that's why I start celebrating it before December starts.

While the to-do list may get longer every year, I'm glad this time of year has remained special for me.  It doesn't matter that I might only get one present this year or that it may not be the perfect Christmas, it's the fact that I have a Christmas, that I have a family and close friends to share it with.

Christmas represents a number of things for me- happiness, hope, love, family, laughter and many other emotions I can't put into words.  That's why it's my favorite time of year.  Plus, it's the one time you can get away with a cheesy blog about a cold day and lots of food without being ridiculed for it.

I thought I'd post a few videos of my favorite Christmas moments and explain why they're so special to me.

My first Christmas memory isn't of opening my first doll or anything like that.  It's watching a segment from Sesame Street.  That show was one of my favorites as I rarely watched cartoons or other traditional kids shows.  Apparently, it was only Sesame Street, Mary Poppins or The Sound of Music.  Anyway, I remember watching it and wanting to cry.  I remember not knowing why I felt like that and embarrassed to not know why.  Watching it now, I realize the show managed to capture Christmas at its most innocent- wishing a good friend a merry Christmas and giving them a little something but knowing your wish for them is greater than any materialistic thing you can physically give them.

The next video represents the first twenty Christmases of my life. Having grown up in one church for most of my life and being part of a very active family in that church, Christmas and church activities became synonymous. My dad was pianist and choir director and my mom, my sisters and I participated regularly by singing or my littlest sister playing an instrument. Our family always did something for the Christmas service at church; some years we did everything (wish I was kidding). Moments like these gave me my love for Christmas music and music in general. During moments like these, in and out of church, made my family and I closer every year. This is my dad and little sister two years ago.

I heard this song a few years ago in the car with my family. When it was finished, no one said a word, we just wiped away tears. I dare you to watch it and not cry.

Lastly, I had to post my favorite Christmas song of all time, sung by my favorite singer of all time. The melody is so simple, as are the lyrics and it's sung so often that it can easily be overlooked but that's where its preciousness lies. Every time I hear the song or watch this video, I can't help but get a knot in my throat. I'll never tire of this song/video. It's just amazing.

Merry Christmas,


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