Monday, November 8, 2010

Fried Rice With Cherries On Top

Alright, I'm finally back.  If you were/had been wondering about my last blog and why I stopped writing or why it "disappeared," it's just because of some people reading it...people I'd rather not read it.  So THIS one will be open to everyone and anyone who wants to peer into the world of Keren.  Not that's it's extra exciting or anything, but still.  Haha!

So here's my first EXCITING post.  Sort of my day.  After choir, my sister, Joyce and I went to Harlingen- a city about 30 minutes from Brownsville to eat at one of our favorite restaurants- Kahn's Mongolian Grill- and do some light shopping at Forever 21.  Well, Ana ended up dropping some serious bucks (refund check from her scholarship) and I spent a whopping $15!

So at this place, Kahn's, you serve your veggies in a big bowl, your meats in a smaller bowl and then add whatever seasonings you want.  Everything is raw but it's cooked right in front of you.  For some reason, today, I was extra grossed out by the raw meat.  Eew.

Above is my bowl of noodles and veggies on the left and Joyce's on the right.  Can you tell she was raised with only brothers and has LOTS of guy friends?? you, Joyceee!

This is the "finished product"...aka, my plate.  It's served with fried or steamed rice and a little thingy of bread.  SOOOOOOO GOOD!!

Then off we went to Forever 21, where I found my first pair of leggings and a really cute sweater top that covered my booty and poonan.  Both were on clearance so I just HAD to snatch them up.

Now, I know I'm probably gonna get someone saying, "You can't wear leggings as pants, you just can't!" but I'm gonna...mwahahahahahahhaaa!  If you feel like wearing something, even if it looks wonky to someone else, do it, I say.  There is NO such thing as the Fashion Police in real life, so chill out, peeps!  (Okay, I know I shouldn't be talking, considering all the people-watching and mental makeovers I do but this really isn't that bad.)

Now here's a Monday I can get used to!



  1. Yummy food and super cute you! Glad you've gotten into blogging again ;)

  2. Your food looks DELICIOUS and I LOVE that idea of them cooking it right in front of you :) Cute outfit too. I'm glad you're back to blogging - I've missed it too!

  3. You CAN wear leggins as pants when your shirt or dress covers your behind! You CAN!
    Oh and I'm gonna steal that Cherry sweater/dress when I get the chance so beware!
