Friday, November 26, 2010


I don't know what it is about the holidays but they totally turn me into the biggest, most annoying sap ever. I'm not exaggerating when I say that it doesn't officially feel like the winter/Christmas time until I have a little cry for almost no reason.

Starting the day before Thanksgiving, I cried writing my friends' letters telling them how thankful I was for them.  I knew it was officially holiday time when that happened.  Granted, I probably would've still cried if I'd written them some other time, but still...irrelevant.  Now, ever cheesy Christmas-spirit-family-counts moment makes me tear up like a pregnant woman being forced away from her pickle juice and ice cream.

Then today, for the first time, I cried listening to Josh's "I'll Be Home For Christmas."  I don't know why it hadn't gotten to me until now.  I mean, how many times have I listened to it?  At least 20 times a year since 2007...80?  At least.

Finally, tonight as I was surfing the 'net and looking at some forgotten Grobanite pages on LiveJournal, I came across a link to an additional bonus track off Illuminations.  I'd seen Ellen talk about it on Twitter with (jg)Sarah but for some reason I hadn't the need to find it ASAP.  I thought I was losing my Grobanity...and I was, until now.

Ladies, I give you another song that made me cry.  It's a cover of a song I'd loved since senior year of high school.  It made me cry when I first heard it and again just a minute ago when I heard Josh's version of it.  Especially since it's totally the thought I think when I'm around a certain someone.  :)

"Feels Like Home"  -  Josh Groban   <-- Click me!




  1. I've been having issues getting this song. I'm going to try on my laptop tonight and if I still can't I may need you to get it to me some other way - PLEASE!!! I'll let you know.
