Wednesday, November 10, 2010

In My Khaki Pants

Today was what we call "High School Day" at UTB.  Kids from high schools in Brownsville and surrounding cities come to the university to tour and basically have an orientation.  But on top of that, we showcase our performing arts groups: band (UTB Wind Ensemble), the jazz band, the mariachi group (Mariachi Escorpion), the drum line, the strings symphony, the guitar ensemble and of course, the choir- also known as the UTB Master Chorale.  So, obviously, we/I had to be at school extra early...well, earlier than our regular Monday/Wednesday rehearsal.

My day basically started at 12:00 AM.  Joyce was over and we'd just finished watching this week's Glee for the 100,000,000th time (talk about a jaw-dropper!)  I was getting ready for bed, knowing I was going to have to be awake at 7 AM to be ready to leave the house at 9.  Have I ever mentioned how I HATE getting up early??  I'm just not a morning person.  Anyway, at 4 AM, I wake up and- still half asleep- turn on my light and get ready for a shower.  As I'm about to leave my room, I realize it's waaaaaaaaaay too early to be showering.  3 more hours.  YES!

Finally, when I really DO have to wake up, I'm sleepier than I was at 4. This is why I hate mornings.  I do my thing to get ready.  Hair? Meh, it's been better.  Makeup?  Duh..awesome! :P  Clothes?  EEW!

I understand and know full well that from an audience member's perspective, our uniforms looks great.  But wearing them?  Now that's a whole other cow to fry.  First off, it reminds me of my uniform from my private school days: a light blue Oxford shirt and khaki pants.  Being me: difficult, of course there's gonna be SOME kind of problem.  I've always had problems finding pants that fit right as my waist is not proportionate to my thighs/legs.  The upper thigh area, especially in the back, is ALWAYS the point where it looks like I'm wearing a saggy diaper.

(Me in the "official casual uniform: UTB Master Chorale blue Oxford shirt, khakis, brown belt, close toed brown shoes, and hair off the face/shoulders for girls.  Yes, I'm well aware I look like a boy.)

I couldn't find any new, better-fitting, khakis this past week, so I went with the ones I've only worn a few times...the diaper ones.  I washed them to see if they'd shrink and they did but only stayed like that for a while.  FAIL.

The one thing I do like about the uniform is wearing a shirt that proudly states I'm part of a prestigious ensemble.  I feel like it's almost coveted, the shirt alone; never mind a place in the chorale.

So once I got to school, kids were already getting off buses and going into the Arts Center.  They stared at me as if they'd never seen anyone in khakis before.  Oh, children.  I went up to the choir room, we warmed up and almost immediately were called down to the stage for the performance.

By this time, my feet were already killing me with those darn shoes I bought for this event last year.  I remembered then why I don't wear them on a regular basis.  I was tempted to insert a picture of my blisters but I shall spare thee.

I knew my dad was around and wanted to see our performance but I couldn't see with the stage lights.  So I just gave it my best anyway- as did everyone else- and we did pretty well for having not sung on that stage as a group...ever.  I prayed we'd be okay since we'd been having some pretty big tuning issues.

After, about half the choir and I went across the street where they were serving lunch for the HS kids and we helped serve pizza- 2 or 3 slices to a plate.  We joked that the kids that got 3 huge pieces were "super deluxe lunchers."

Once the kids were served, we ate and returned to the choir room for our regular rehearsal.  Only we had guests: directors from all over the area.  "Great, now we can't suck for sure!" one of my friends said.


1 comment:

  1. First off I love your background! Super cute and fun!

    Is there nothing worse than shoes that hurt your feet? Ugh!

    Glad your performance went well and THANK YOU for sparing us the blister pictures! LOL
